Where does the name Wise By Nature come from?

Jun 16, 2023Alexandra Dostie

The name Wise By Nature has many meanings, so let's unpack them together.

The Quebec expression "be wise" means knowing how to make wise decisions. Our blends are the product of freeze-drying technology. This means we don't transport the water from the fruit, which sometimes comes from tropical countries. The fruit reaches full ripeness on the tree before being picked (read here; increased nutrients and flavour), then freeze-dried on site, before being reduced to a fine powder.

Making good decisions also means taking care of ourselves, by choosing healthy, nutritious foods, whatever our lifestyle. Our powdered blends contain a short list of ingredients that highlight the fruit, without allergens or additives.

Respect for nature is a value we share wholeheartedly. In addition to not transporting fruit water by any means, we contribute to the reforestation of Quebec forests. For each product sold, we make a contribution to a reforestation organization, with the aim of reducing our fossil footprint.

Quebec people are too wise to think that we'd stay just in Quebec with a name like that. We have the opportunity to expand our various points of sale and spread our online sales deliveries, and to do so very easily. Making the consumption of cold-dried fruit and vegetables accessible is a priority for us.


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